Company Creation

In this tutorial you will learn how to create company. Creating a company in Tally is simple. Tally ERP allows to create Multiple companies with same names, but Tally doesn't allow to open two companies with the same name. To work in Tally you need to create a company. In Tally Company means an account with a company or a person.

How to Create Company in Tally.ERP

Follow the below steps to create company in Tally
  1.  After installing Tally, you learn how to Start Tally, when open Tally you can see below screen.

  2. Here you can see marked 'Create Company' under Company info. Double click on Create Company or press 'C' on keyboard.

    To create company : Gateway of Tally -> Alt+F3 : Company Info -> Create Company. 

  3.  After you can see the company creation window, as like below image.

  4. Type all details about your company(Each field's description are below). Use Tab key or Enter key, Arrow key or mouse to navigate between the fields.

Description of Company Creation


In directory you can set the path where the company data will be stored in the system. Default the directory will be 'C:\Users\Public\Tally.ERP9\Data'. You can change it your requirement.


Here update your company name to identify.

Primary Mailing Details

  1. Mailing Name : Mailing name automatically updated with the company name that you given in the name field. You can change the mailing name as you required.
  2. Address : Here add your company address details of company.
  3. Country : Choose your country from List of Countries shown in right side of the screen.
  4. State : After choose country you can see List of State in right side of the screen which is depending on selected country. Select the State for continue. Some times this field will be change or disappear according to you selected country. For example if you choose your country as UAE, then it shows Emirates behalf of State, like that if you select United States of America, then State field will be disappeared.
  5. Pincode : This field also depending on the selected country. Update with your Pin Code.

Contact details

  1. Phone no. : Add company Landline or Telephone number.
  2. Mobile no. : Add Mobile number of company.
  3. Fax no. : Add company Fax number.
  4. E-mail : Add company e-maid id.
  5. Website : Add company official website address.

Books and Financial Year Details

  1. Financial year begins from : Here update financial year beginning of your company. Tally consider 12 month from the you given date. Normally in India financial year start from 1st April and ends on 31th March.
  2. Books beginning from : Specify the date of beginning books. By default it will update with you given Financial year. You can change it as your requirement. 

Security Control

  1. TallyVault password : If your company want secure data enable TallyVault. By enabling this the data will be stored in encrypted form.  Add strong password by using mix of alphabets, numeric and special characters. Here Tally given a warning, Forgetting TallyVault password will render your data inaccessible. It means without password you can't work with company that you created.
  2. Use Security Control : By using this security control only authorized users are allows to enter or edit or delete the vouchers in Tally.

Base Currency Information

  1. Base currency symbol : Add your currency symbol, it will change depending on country or which currency you are using in your company.
  2. Formal name : Add formal name of the currency symbol. It will be automatically set by Tally when you are selecting the country. If any changes you required change this.
  3. Suffix symbol to amount : If you want amount with symbol enable this by typing 'Yes'.
  4. Add space between amount and symbol : If you want space between amount and symbol enable by typing 'Yes', or disable by typing 'No'.
  5. Show amount in millions : If you need to show amount in millions enable this by typing 'Yes', or disable by typing 'No'.
  6. Number of decimal places : Specify Number of decimal places normally it will be 2.
  7. Word representing amount after decimal : Specify the representing amount after decimal. It will be automatically set by Tally when you are selecting the country. If any changes you required change this.
  8. No. of decimal places for amount in word : Specify number of decimal places for amount in word. Normally it will be 2.

 After updating all the details press enter, now you can see a conformation message like above image"Accept ? Yes or No", here press 'Y' or press enter. Now you are created a company in Tally ERP 9.

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