Tally - Shut Company

How Shut a Company in Tally

Shut company means close the company. It doesn't means delete the company. After your work finished with a company, if you want to shut or close follow the below procedure. 

To Shut a company in Tally press Alt+F1

You can close or shut a company following ways.
  • Press Alt+F1 to close. If you opened two or more companies you need to select company which you need to close from List of Companies. 
Select company from list and press enter to shut the company.
  • Press Alt+F3 : Company Info -> SHut Company -> Select Company want to close from List of Companies. 

  • Press F1: Shut Cmp from Button Toolbar, shown as below image. 

Here the simplest way to shut or close company is 'Alt+F1, That is described as first option. It will work almost screen of Tally.

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